Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sail Away--1962 Original London Cast Album on CD

What better to spend a Saturday afternoon than with a frothy Noel Coward musical? I believe this cast album of Sail Away marks Coward's first appearance in my Year. It also is the first time I've had Elaine Stritch here. Both are long over due.
I've often had trouble differentiating Noel Coward from Cole Porter--unfair since one was a Brit and the other just wanted to be. They both seem witty, urbane, musical, gay--how to tell the difference?
Well, if Sail Away is any indication, Coward is funnier, and Porter is a better songsmith. This score works best when playing on the funny bone. The non-comic songs are likable, but not great--with the possible exception of "Something Very Strange" which seems made for a big band or cabaret setting. The gold standard for humorous song in this score is "Why do the Wrong People Travel?" But the two songs for John Hewer as the Pursor "The Passanger's Alway Right" and "The Customer's Always Right" are also very funny.
Ms. Stritch is a pressed-upon cruise ship director. Elaine Stritch recreated her Broadway role in London, but the rest of the cast changed. David Holliday is the passanger who falls in love with her. Sheila Forbes and Grover Dale play a secondary love couple. But don't look for too many loves songs in this score, stick to looking for comedy and you'll come out alright.
Sail Away
Music, lyrics and book by Noel Coward
Opened on Broadway in 1961
London Cast opened in 1962.
Cast: Elaine Stritch, David Holliday, John Hewer, Sheila Forbes, Grover Dale

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