Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hello, Dolly! film on DVD

There is a bit of lore in my family. Before my parents were parents, they would occassionally go to downtown Detroit to see a Broadway touring show. In late 1963 they went down to the Fisher Theatre to see a new show before it opened on Broadway. They left the theater after the performance liking the show very much but thinking the woman who played the lead was very odd and would never have any kind of career. That woman was Carol Channing and that show was Hello, Dolly! So, I come from a line of opinionated people who are often wrong.
That said, I really dislike the film version of this very likable show. While I am usually the last person to blame an actor, I really do think this film is mostly badly cast. The men in particular are not much fun to listen to when they are singing. Yes, even Michael Crawford who will go on to have a much lauded career. I think the songs don't suit his singing voice. And Walter Matthau. Don't get me started.

But, this is a great show for the chorus, with many lively group numbers. And with Gene Kelly as the director of this film, you know that dance will play an important part. That's good to see. And the outdoor locations are spectacular--clearly no expense was sparred in recreating 19th Century New York and Yonkers.

Hello, Dolly!
Music and Lyrics by Jerry Herman
Book by Michael Stewart
1969 film directed by Gene Kelly
Cast: Barbra Streisand, Walter Matthau, Michael Crawford, Tommy Tune, Marianne McAndrew, Joyce Ames, Danny Lockin, Louis Armstrong, EJ Peaker

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