Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ruddigore television production on DVD

This is another in the rather pedestrian British television series of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. I've previously discussed The Mikado and Patience. Like Mikado, this production of Ruddigore includes a "What the Hell!" cast member--namely Vincent Price. Mr. Price does admirably with the dialogue, but doesn't bring a thing to the music.

This was the first G&S in my Year, that I did not previously know--either by having seen it or been in it. My first thought is that there is a lot of dialogue, and that many of the musical numbers seem under-developed. I was also struck by the number of duets in this show--it seems to me that usually only the young lovers have a duet, but in Ruddigore, there are duets for everyone.

The plot revolves around the brothers Murgatroyd, which has to provide some of the best rhymes ever (unemployed, so annoyed, hemmoroid), and a curse on their family in Castle Ruddigore.

The vocal standout in the cast is Sandra Dugdale, who was also in Patience. Ann Howard tries admirably with Mad Margaret, but doesn't quite get there for me--either vocally or acting. Several in the cast (including Mr. Price) are significantly older than their characters, which doesn't work in something as close-up as television.

This is an odd show also for the chorus. The men portray the ghosts of the family Murgatroyd. The women are a roving band of bridesmaids. Neither group has that much to do, not even a rousing final chorus at the happy conclusion.

Music by Arthur Sullivan
Libretto by William Gilbert
first produced in 1887
filmed for television in 1982
Cast: Sandra Dugdale, Ann Howard, Keith Mitchell, Vincent Price, John Treleaven,

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