Friday, December 26, 2008

Nunsensations!: The Nunsense Vegas Revue

God has truly blessed Dan Goggins. The phrase "no one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the general public" comes to mind, as creator Mr. Goggins and his initial Nunsense investors have made collection plate-fuls of money since the franchise was inaugurated in the 1980s. The unseen character in all of the shows must be Sister Lois Common Denominator, because much of 2007's Nunsensations! The Nunsense Vegas Revue really panders to its audience just as the taping showing gleeful audience members panders to the at home audience of this DVD.

That said (and several ducks to avoid the lightning bolts), I didn't dislike all of this show. I was often impressed with the cast, all of whom are asked to sing and dance similtaneously while wearing what looks to be heavy, restrictive costumes. Bonnie Lee as Mother Mary Regina is consistently energetic, even in her ruler-on-the-knuckles phases. Jeanne Tinker as Sister Mary Paul Amnesia, is rarely off-stage and bears the brunt of the audience interactive sections of the show. I could have done with a little less anmnesia, to be honest.
While a lot of the score is very specific to time, place, and habit, there are several songs I really liked which could have life outside the show. Mother Mary Regina's song "Fifth from the Left" is funny. "Why Sing a Ballad (when you can belt a show tune)" would definitely work in a cabaret setting. And Sister Marienette's song (the title of which I can't list for fear of censorship) is hysterical and could even be sung without a sock puppet on your hand.
Nunsensations! The Nunsense Vegas Revue
Music and Lyrics by Dan Goggins
Filmed before a live audience and released on DVD in 2007
Cast: Jeanne Tinker, Bonnie Lee, Bambi Jones, Carrie Keskinen, Deborah Del Mostro

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