Monday, September 15, 2008

Ghost Light Monday -- Preaching to the choir

I'm a big choir person. Meaning both that I'm a big person and a lover of choirs. I've sung in them my whole life and if I didn't sing in one, I believe you would find me singing at the back of CTA buses and on El platforms.

So I was glad when my church choir got underway again after its summer hiatus. Our first two Sundays featured chestnuts from our repertoire that we could sing without too much rehearsal time, just fine tuning.

For the most part I love the people in my choir and appreciate their commitment to sing in a volunteer capacity week after week. But I have to complain about some of them, and for those of them who read this entry--you will know who you are.

Many members of my choir are very busy people, and making time for rehearsals on Wednesday night is not always possible. I get that. But if you can't show up Wednesday, AND you can't get to church on Sunday morning in time to rehearse with the choir, what are you doing singing that week?

Rehearsals are not just for you to learn the notes. I'm glad you know the notes. That's the first step. There's still a flight of steps to go before I want you singing with me. Rehearsal is also for me to know how loud to sing given the number of basses that day, to feel confident about cut-offs and tempo changes, and more mundane things like knowing where to stand.

So maybe if you miss a couple of rehearsals, you should sit in the congregation to listen to the choir. Perhaps in hearing us perform, you'll remember why you wanted to be a member of the group in the first place.
In case you're wondering: the photo for this entry is of New Zealand operatic baritone Teddy Tahu Rhodes. He looks just like me.


Anonymous said...

I can attest to the fact that TTR is a dead on doppelganger for our illustrious choir boy.

Michael, Chicago IL said...

Why, thank you anonymous. To whom should I make out the check?