Saturday, June 7, 2008

Barnum DVD of 1986 London Cast

How I have never seen this musical before? Barnum is right up my alley! Bold, loud, brassy, but still keeping the show-off tricks in service of the story. Or at least within the world of the story.

Well, my Netflix account has caught up with my musical thinking by getting to the queue of 70 musical films I added to my list at the beginning of this week.

I knew little about Barnum before. I'd heard the song "The Colors of My Life", but that was about it. I'm very glad I sawing this taping of a staged production, rather than just listening to the cast album; the music is infectious, but I think it would have been lost on me without hearing it in context of the production. This is one of those productions you hear war-stories about from performers who twist ankles, sprain wrists, count bruises, etc. I wonder how long it played.

I was skeptical about Michael Crawford in the title role, but he completely won me over--every bit the showman the role called for, and very daring in this athletic production. I loved the Humbug patter song of the second act. The Broadway database says Crawford was born in 1942, that would make him 44 when this production was filmed--impressive at any age. Hard to imagine it was before he was a household name with Phantom of the Opera, which would come next for him.

It's not a cast of singers. How could it be with all the acrobatics required? But then most of the music doesn't require a lot of vocal acrobatics--except the Jenny Lind role, and even that is not particularly coloratura. But since I saw the physical requirements of this show, I'm completely forgiving of some of the singing. A good lesson for me to remember--musical theater is sometimes more about the theater than the music.

Music by Cy Coleman
Lyrics by Michael Stewart
Book by Mark Bramble
DVD of 1986 London Cast
Produced by Water Bearer Films
Available through Netflix
Cast: Michael Crawford, Eileen Battye, Michael Heath, Christina Collier, Sharon Benson, Paul Miller

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